Welcome to Maggie's Blue Suede News

The Rock 'n' Roll Magazine, written by Rockin' People For Rockin' People!
Established 1997)

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Maggie's Blue Suede News is a monthly magazine, covering the rock 'n' roll scene in the UK. It's filled with news, reviews and information about rock 'n' roll.

Advertising must be rock 'n' roll related and costs:
£60 - full page (A5), £30 - half page and £20 - small box (space permitting) - black & white.
Full colour adverts available £140 - full page (A5) & £70 - half page.
Barjin Basement ads over £100 - £15 (otherwise free). Inserts in Congrats Corner, DJs Den & Gig Guides are all free.

The deadline for inclusion in 'Maggie's Blue Suede News' is always the 2nd of the current month for the next month's magazine.

If you have a rock 'n' roll related site and would like to exchange links, please e-mail details and you will be added at the next site update.

Maggie's Blue Suede News costs £3.50 and is sold at many
Rock 'n' Roll clubs throughout the UK.

Alternatively, by subscription at £23.99 - 6 months or £47.50 - 12 months.
Cheque or Postal Order payable to Shelley L. Hall
37 Court Leet, Binley Woods, Coventry CV3 2JQ, West Midlands, UK
(Applies to UK postage rates).